
Can You Drink Soda After Wisdom Teeth Removal? Side Effects

Getting your wisdom teeth taken out can be tough, and there are many things you should and shouldn’t do afterward. A common question people have is, “Can you drink soda after wisdom teeth removal?” Let’s look at why drinking soda might not be a good idea right after your dental surgery.

Understanding Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the final set of molars that develop from the back of the mouth. Many people experience problems with these teeth because of their size, position, or lack of space in the jaw. In such instances, a dentist or oral surgeon may prescribe wisdom tooth removal.

Why Drinking Soda Is Not Recommended After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Drinking soda, particularly carbonated beverages, is generally not suggested after wisdom tooth extraction for various reasons:

  • Risk of Dislodging Blood Clots: Blood clots can form in the sockets where wisdom teeth were taken, posing a risk of dislodging them. These blood clots are essential for optimal healing and protecting the underlying bone and nerves. Drinking soda, particularly carbonated drinks, can cause suction in the mouth, potentially dislodging blood clots and resulting in a painful condition known as dry socket. Dry sockets slow the healing process and can cause severe discomfort.
  • Acidity: Soda is extremely acidic, and drinking it soon after oral surgery might irritate the surgical sites and delicate tissues in the mouth. This inflammation can exacerbate pain and postpone healing.
  • Sensitivity: Following wisdom tooth removal, the surrounding gums and tissues may become swollen and painful. Drinking cold drink can aggravate sensitivity and discomfort, especially if it comes into touch with the surgical sites.
  • Risk of Infection: Sugars in soda can increase bacterial development in the mouth. To limit the risk of infection after wisdom tooth removal, proper oral hygiene is crucial. Drinking sugary soda may raise the risk of bacterial development and infection in surgical areas.
  • Nutritional Concerns: Soda has little to no nutritional value and can cause dehydration, particularly if it replaces water or other hydrating beverages in your diet. Proper hydration and nutrition are critical to the healing process following oral surgery.
Why Drinking Soda Is Not Recommended After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

What Happens If I Drink Soda After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Drinking soda following wisdom tooth extraction, particularly in the immediate post-operative period, can increase the risk of problems and discomfort, including:

Dislodging Blood Clots: The suction produced by drinking soda, particularly with a straw, might dislodge blood clots that form in the extraction sockets. Dislodged blood clots can cause a painful condition known as dry socket, which exposes the bone and nerves at the extraction site, slowing healing and raising the risk of infection.

Irritation and anguish: The acidity of soda might irritate your mouth’s sensitive tissues and surgery sites, causing further discomfort and anguish. This inflammation can impede the healing process and make it more difficult to manage postoperative discomfort.

Increased Infection Risk: Sugar in soda might stimulate bacterial development in the mouth. The surgical sites following wisdom tooth removal are susceptible to infection. Consuming soda can bring bacteria into the extraction sockets, increasing the risk of infection and slowing healing.

Sensitivity: Following wisdom tooth removal, your gums and surrounding tissues may become swollen and sore. Consuming cold soda can aggravate sensitivity and discomfort, particularly if it comes into touch with surgical sites.

Delayed Healing: Proper hydration and nutrition are critical to the healing process following oral surgery. Soda has little to no nutritional benefit and can lead to dehydration. Drinking soda instead of water or other hydrated beverages can impede the healing process and lengthen the recovery period.

What Drinks Can I Drink After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Following wisdom tooth removal, it is critical to consume beverages that are soft on your healing mouth and give appropriate hydration. Here are a few choices:

  • Water: Plain water is the best way to stay hydrated after wisdom teeth removal. It helps to remove food particles and bacteria from your mouth without irritating the surgery areas.
  • Herbal Tea: Lukewarm herbal teas with no caffeine or additional sweeteners can be calming and hydrating. Chamomile tea, in particular, has anti-inflammatory qualities that may aid to alleviate swelling and discomfort.
  • Broth: Warm broth, such as chicken or vegetable broth, can nourish and hydrate your mouth without causing irritation. Choose low-sodium types whenever feasible.
  • Coconut Water: Coconut water is naturally hydrating and includes electrolytes that can help replenish fluids lost throughout the healing process. For optimal results, use simple, unsweetened coconut water.
  • Fruit Juices: Diluted fruit juices, such as apple or pear juice blended with water, can add flavor while being easy on the mouth. Citrus juices should be avoided since they are acidic and may cause irritation at surgical sites.
  • Smoothies: Fruit smoothies made with soft fruits such as bananas, mangoes, and berries can be both nutritional and hydrating. Avoid using seeds or gritty items that may irritate your tongue.
  • Milk: If you tolerate dairy products well, plain milk can provide hydration and nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D. If you are concerned about fat levels, choose low-fat or non-fat options.
What Drinks Can I Drink After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

When Can I Start to Drink Soda Again After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

It is generally recommended that you avoid drinking soda for the first few days after wisdom teeth removal. This initial period is critical for the creation of blood clots, which protect the extraction sites and aid recovery. Drinking soda too soon might lead to issues like dry socket, discomfort, and delayed healing.

The exact timing for reinstating soda into your diet will be determined by how well your mouth heals and the suggestions of your dentist or oral surgeon. In most circumstances, you should wait until the initial healing phase is complete and any discomfort, swelling, or bleeding has decreased before consuming soda.

Typically, it is recommended to wait at least a week or two before you start to drink soda after wisdom teeth removal, and even then, approach with caution. Take little sips and pay attention to how your mouth feels. If you have any discomfort, irritation, or sensitivity, avoid soda and stick to milder beverages.

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To heal quickly after getting your wisdom teeth taken out, you need to listen to your dentist and not drink soda. Soda has bubbles, sugar, and acid that can cause problems like more pain and slow healing. Instead, drink safer things until your mouth is better. By being careful, you will feel good and be back to normal soon.

People Also Ask

1. Can I drink soda right after getting my wisdom teeth removed?

No, it is not a good idea to drink soda shortly after having your wisdom teeth removed. The bubbles in soda can interfere with the healing process and may cause pain or swelling. It’s best to stick to water and other non-carbonated beverages for a while.

2. When is it safe to drink soda after wisdom teeth extraction?

After having your wisdom teeth removed, you should wait at least a week before drinking soda. Your mouth requires time to recover, and soda might impede that process. It is best to consult with your dentist to determine when they believe it is safe for you to resume consuming soda.

3. Why is soda bad for you after wisdom teeth removal?

Soda is harmful after wisdom tooth removal since it contains bubbles and sugar. The bubbles might irritate the healing areas in your mouth, while the sugar can promote infections. While you’re recuperating, stick to safer liquids such as water and milk.

4. What can I drink instead of soda after wisdom teeth extraction?

After extracting your wisdom teeth, you can drink water, milk, and non-acidic juices such as apple juice. These drinks will not irritate your mouth and will help you heal faster. Avoid hot beverages such as coffee and tea for a few days.

5. What happens if I accidentally drink soda too soon after wisdom teeth removal?

If you drink soda too soon after wisdom tooth removal, you may have pain or swelling. It may also slow down your healing process. If this happens, rinse your mouth with water and avoid drinking soda until your mouth heals completely. If you are concerned, you can always contact your dentist for guidance.

Muhammad Rafay

I’m a health blogger with two years of experience writing about wellness and fitness. I’m passionate about helping people lead healthier lives through simple and effective tips. My goal is to make health easy to understand and follow for everyone.

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